Dealing With a Narcissist Personality

February 27, 2023


We like to use the word narcissist when talking about a person who’s totally self-centered and short on empathy for others. All tho it’s important to remember that narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) is a legitimate mental health condition and can be diagnosis by a mental health professional. Some people can exhibit some narcissistic characteristics without having NPD. That might include:

  • having an inflated ego sense of self only
  • always looking for constant praise
  • like to taking advantage of others
  • not caring about the needs of others

To make things more confusing, those with narcissistic tendencies are often very sensitive to criticism, despite their high self-esteem and ego. Here’s a few practical ways to deal with someone who has NPD or narcissistic tendencies — plus some tips for recognizing when it might be time for you to move on.

  • Take them for who they really are

When they feel like it, people with narcissistic personalities are pretty good at charming. You will find yourself drawn into their worthless ideas and promises. This can also make them popular in some case like in a work settings.
But before you get hooked in, watch and observe how they treat people when they’re not in the spotlight you might catch them lying, manipulating, or disrespecting others, believe me don’t think they won’t do the same to you.

  • Stop focusing on them

When you have a narcissistic personality in your presence, attention seems to gravitate towards them. That’s by nature it seems, whether it’s bad or good attention, their narcissistic personalities work very hard to keep themselves in that spotlight.
Soon enough you might find yourself falling for this tactic, putting aside your own feelings to keep them satisfied.
Also you must remember there’s no break in their attention-seeking behavior, no matter how much you adjust to suit to their needs, it’s never going to be enough.
If there’s no other option but to deal with a narcissistic personality, never allow them to infiltrate your boundaries and define your self worth.We have to continue to remind ourselves of our strengths. It’s not our job to fix them stay focused on your goals.

  • Set clear boundaries

A person with a narcissistic personality are often self-absorbed. They might think they’re entitled to do whatever they want including going through your personal things, or even tell you how to feel.
They have no sense of personal space, so they will cross your boundaries. More often than not, That’s why you have to be very clear about the boundaries you set.

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